(This message went out to our mailing list today.)
Las Catalinas is all about connecting with beauty, nature, and the people around you. As we grow, the experience of being in Las Catalinas keeps getting more compelling. There are more things to do, more places to go, more people to meet, and more fun to be had. The state of the union is strong!
Our high season occupancy and activity levels blew away all previous records, making Las Catalinas more fun and vibrant than ever. We had 6,600 bedroom nights occupied through April this year, up over 62% from last year's record number. Las Catalinas is at its best when our town is full so this is fantastic news.
Real estate sales continue to be strong, meaning more additions to town are coming sooner rather than later. Most of the construction that I mentioned in my last State of the Union is now complete, including our beautiful Beach Club and some great new houses on Calle la Ronda and Paseo Punta Penca. Let me catch you up on some of the projects we have in the works now.
That is a lot! Life at Las Catalinas is good, and it keeps getting better. Thanks for your support and interest, and please come see us soon!
Charles Brewer
Managing Partner, Las Catalinas
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