A New Season, a Poem, and Pictures

August 21, 2019

The arrival of each new wet season or dry season is always a welcome event, and especially so this year as we had one of the wettest Octobers in many years.   Oh my is it beautiful at Las Catalinas right now.   The temperatures are perfect, everything is lush, the streams are flowing, the air is freshly washed and the humidity is dropping.   I was most fortunate to be there to experience it last week.

For me the most magical time of day at Las Catalinas is sunset, and the most magical place to experience that is in the water. I found myself wanting to capture it all - but of course I couldn't.   Frustrating.

I wish your eyes could see the fading sparkles on the perfect curves

I wish your skin could feel the cool surging

I wish your nose could smell the gentle blowing from the land

I wish your ears could hear the quiet

I wish I could tell you

I wish I could show you

But I can't.

I wish you were here.