Stand Up Paddle Challenge Weekend - My Perspective

August 21, 2019

This past Saturday morning Pura Vida Ride hosted the Robert August Stand Up Paddle Challenge, featuring three races starting and ending on Playa Danta. It could not have been any better. There were paddlers of all ages and abilities and plenty of spectators too.

There were many children at the event, and lots of families from the wonderful nearby La Paz Community School. All the design and operational decisions we make at Las Catalinas have children as a primary focus. Our thinking is that if we create a great place for children - a safe, interesting, fun place where they can explore and enjoy their freedom - we will have created a great place for everyone else too. Seeing all the children there happily running, playing, swinging, crab-chasing, swimming, kayaking, boogie boarding, stand up paddling - it was a dream come true for me. Even better, in the near future this will be just a typical day at Las Catalinas.

Thanks to Pura Vida Ride for putting on this great event. They took lots of great photos.  Here is a gallery of some that I took:

(Facebook version here may work more quickly, and has more photos.)

The magic began for me on Friday afternoon. I finished up my work and took out a   board from PVR to do a practice run of the race course. Then I walked home (not my house quite yet, but my next door neighbor Bob Davey's) and changed. I then headed back to grab a drink and  then I strolled around town checking things out and visiting with people. There was a convivial sunset scene at the restaurant. Afterwards I strolled home to dinner with my son (who was with me on this trip). Later we went to sleep in the fresh air with the sound of the waves.

It is happening. It's magical. You need to come and see.