Thanks to everyone who participated in our recent poll on place names! The crowd demonstrated its wisdom, and we have taken the poll winner in every case except one to be our new place names. In that case we decided to save El Prado for a bigger park that is coming later on. So, here are the new names!
In Current Beach Town
- The green oval plaza in front of Casa Brewer and Casa Sirena: La Rotonda
- The new small plaza to the side of 25 Paseo del Mar: Plaza Andalucia
- Major new plaza in front of The Flats: Plaza Lucia
- Major new plaza with radial pattern: Plaza Carlota
- The primary plaza on Camino Las Catalina: Plaza Central
- Plaza at top of hill behind church/town hall: Plaza Pienza
- First plaza on Calle la Ronda: Rinconcito de Reid
- Second plaza on Calle la Ronda: Plazoleta Lucille
Around Beach Club
- The primary plaza in this part of town, above the beach club: Plaza Celaje
- Elevated one-tree plaza with great views: Plaza Arbol
- The street connecting Paseo Punta Penca to Calle Cartegena: Calle Virginia
- Plaza at top of hill with great view: Plaza Sol
- The street leading from Camino Las Catalinas down to the beach club: Calle Cartegena
- Triangular plaza on street leading to beach club: Plaza San Miguel
Punta Penca
- The plaza with swinging benches overlooking the sea on Paseo Punta Penca: Plaza Punta Penca
- The plaza and climbing wall near end of Paseo Punta Penca: Plaza El Muro
- The high ridge which separates Playa Danta from Playa Dantita: La Cresta
Thanks, this is all very exciting!
- Charles