Newsletter - Breakout Summer at Las Catalinas

August 22, 2019

This newsletter went out to our mailing list yesterday.   If you want to be on out mailing list but are not click on "Connect with us" at upper right of this page:

Dear Friend of Las Catalinas,

The summer of 2012 marked a breakout, coming of age moment in Las Catalinas' history.   It has now been just over a year since the first parts of Las Catalinas were completed.   It seems that awareness and enthusiasm for Las Catalinas has passed a threshold, and it is good!   Well, mainly good anyway...

  • Occupancy was strong in the rental houses all summer.   Town was lively, fun, and beautiful - just the way it is supposed to be.
  • We had a dramatic acceleration in sales activity, selling nine lots and three houses between May and August.   Our buyers come from a wide range of locales, including Costa Rica, various places within the U.S., and Europe.
  • We began construction of our next phase, Paseo Punta Penca, a beautiful street that runs along a hillside just outside of Beach Town.   Nine of the eighteen lots on Paseo Punta Penca are now sold.
  • The weather was spectacular all summer long, and still is.   The typical summer pattern of sunny mornings and possible afternoon rains held, but drier and sunnier than usual.   We do need some more rain before the dry season arrives in November, but it was a beautiful summer!
  • It seems to be a rite of passage for all significant developments in Guanacaste to be attacked by so-called "environmental" groups.   On August third we received such an attack via a complaint in Costa Rica's constitutional court.   Oh, the irony for a town whose reason for being is to create a more sustainable yet more satisfying and enjoyable way of life.   The court ordered a stoppage of construction while they investigate the claims, which are against us and a whole list of government agencies and allege that our permits are somehow not legitimate.   The claims are completely untrue.   At this point we have received a partial release from the injunction, and  expect to have a ruling in our favor shortly.
  • On September 5th there was a really BIG earthquake, magnitude 7.6, centered just 50 miles or so south of Las Catalinas.   Unless I'm mistaken there has never been a larger quake in Costa Rica in recorded history.   I'm happy to say that there was no structural damage at Las Catalinas, and damage in the whole country was amazingly minimal.   Costa Rica should be very proud of how well the country's buildings and infrastructure held up.   A series of posts on our blog provide more details.

Overall it has been a great summer at Las Catalinas, and the future is bright.   Book now for your visit this coming winter - email   We can't wait to see you!