
Beach Town Civic Hall Design Competition | Winning Proposals

Written by Las Catalinas | Apr 5, 2022 2:17:17 AM

Las Catalinas is proud to announce the winners and honorable mentions of the Beach Town Civic Hall Design Competition. 


The projects submitted this year were thought-provoking and full of interesting ideas! Our jury reviewed each one with careful consideration and discussion. 


Winning projects had excellent civic character, enduring architecture, and optimization of natural ventilation. 

Professional Category:


Winning Proposal

Arosemena & Way

PW Arosemena & Way.pdf


Honorable Mentions: 

Castillo Arquitectos

PHM Castillo Arquitectos.pdf

Gary Justiss Architect

PHM Gary Justiss Architect.pdf



Student Category: 


Winning Proposal

Juan Pablo Marquez, University of Notre Dame

SW Juan Pablo Marquez.pdf


Honorable Mention: 

Manuela Gutierrez Naranjo, Universidad Veritas

SHM Manuela Gutierrez Naranjo.pdf



Kids Category: 


Winning Proposal

Marcela Moreno Garrido

KW Marcela Moreno.pdf

Honorable Mentions:

Justin Bayard Arias

KHM Justin Bayard Arias.pdf

Josue Alejandro Panagua Alvarez

KHM Josue Alejandro Panagua Alvarez.pdf

A special thank you to our jury:


Charles Brewer | Town Founder, Las Catalinas

Douglas Duany | Associate Professor of the Practice, University of Notre Dame

Will Hoeg | Commercial Real Estate Developer 

Nila Leiserowitz | Former Managing Principal, Gensler

Stuart Meddin | President, The Meddin Company

Diana Cascante | Construction Director, Las Catalinas

Sara Bega | Senior Town Architect, Las Catalinas